Home and Garden Journal

Plants and pets!


If there are two things that are great for the environment, it is having a pet and having indoor plants! Plants are incredible for cleaning the air and making your home more beautiful and pets are wonderful companions and are so good for you as well! Now we just have to make sure that the plants in your home are safe for your pets! Here is a list of plants that are both! Good for the environment and safe for your pets!

  • 1. Bamboo Palm-AKA the Parlor Plant. It is hardy, low maintenance, purifying plant with a high shade tolerance! Temptingly green and leafy but very safe for that plant partaking pet!
  • 2. Spider Plant– Easy peasy, safe and good for the air! Also, a great plant for all of you plant newbies! It also thrives on abuse.
  • 3. Gerber Daisy– Bright and cheery are not air purify but also safe for plants!
  • 4. Prayer Plant– The foliage folds together at night like it’s praying! Perfect as an air purifier as well as good for the four-legged pals in your life!
  • 5. Boston Fern-Lush and low maintenance enjoys misting and indirect sunlight! Great for purifying the air in that shady porch where you pets take their afternoon naps!


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